Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pure OOP – A Personal Retrospective

(Into which I pack every metaphor I can lay my hands on.)

Although I had been programming for some time, I really started to learn the craft in a serious way during the rise of object-oriented programming. It was a time of turmoil in the programming world. What would be the main language of OOP: C++, Objective-C, Smalltalk, or some variant of another language like FORTH or LISP? What would be its driving idiom: member functions, message-passing? Was OOP really the future, or was it hype? Was the real future something else, like functional programming or logic programming?

And then, we all woke up one day and it was a done deal. The C++ paradigm had taken over, followed by its various brain children in the form of VB, Java, and C#, and its extended family in the form of COM, UML, etc.

And not without reason; OOP has a lot to recommend it. One of those things is the idea of encapsulation. Encapsulation is especially important when building class libraries. Not only does the user of the library not have to know about the details, but now the user cannot even find out about the details. We could keep programmers from accidently shooting off their own feet!

There was also the dream of modularity. Hardware engineers had their standardized components, chips, and modules, and now we could have ours. At last we could be free of the need to constantly handcraft every bit of code and continually reinvent the wheel.

But this safety came at a cost. Not only was there a cost in complexity when writing libraries, but the same encapsulation that circumscribed the safe border also circumscribed the useful border. It harder to misuse things, but it was also harder to tinker with things – the code, in effect, came in tamper-proof packages covered with warnings.

And yet, if history is any guide, tinkering – not safety – is the key to progress and invention. Unsafe environments are part of progress, and big part of becoming an professional is to learn to work safely with unsafe things.

In particular, while calling for re-usability and composability, we failed to realize that there might be an inverse relationship between these goals and the notion of encapsulation. Tinker and pre-fab turned out not to be a match made in heaven. Not that you can’t write composable, encapsulated code, because you certainly can. Rather, that the two goals tend to tug the design in different directions. And if you try to force the code in both directions, as with any increase in two dimensions, the size and complexity of the result end up getting squared. (In the meantime, hardware engineering was flowing in the opposite direction. Tools like VHDL and small, cheap fabrication plants were increasingly allowing them break open their components and customize the insides by composing smaller components.)

But OOP was a really great tool; it took us a long way, and will take us a long way yet. But the very brightness of its flame blinded us to its flaws. As in an apocryphal tale of a golem or Frankenstein, it escaped its natural bounds. But we’ve become so used to it, and are loathe to give up the good things about it, and fearful that a loss of encapsulation may mean a return of primordial chaos.

And so, to help return the genie to its bottle – without destroying both the genie and the bottle – we are now calling on a childhood superhero of computer science: Lambda the Ultimate. And so far, I think, it looks like a good call.

The various functional constructs added to OOP/imperative languages, from functors in C++, to lambdas in C#, to Linq, really are proving to be a way to tame encapsulation bloat without introducing chaos. On the flip side, like most superheroes, Lambda the Ultimate can have trouble adjusting to mortal society. The existing OOP/imperative matrix provides a “secret identity” for Lambda, so it can mix in civilian society without every line of code looking like something from another planet.

And nowhere, I think, is this good combination more apparent than in F#. And that continues to amaze me. Out of habit, nearly every F# project I start begins as a study in pure OOP. At some point, however, I get stuck, do some research online or in a book, and find a case where a really experienced F# programmer has handled a similar problem in a multi-paradigmatic fashion. Almost instantly, my thoughts about the problem undergo a phase change, and I re-write my earlier code to be more succinct, maintainable, and composable, and usually more computationally efficient. And I’m usually able to do this re-write in less time than it would have taken to keep plugging away at the original design.


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