Friday, March 5, 2010

Next Step in the Tiny Expert System?

Here, just for fun, is the bare beginning of a tiny expert system using active patterns. I have no clue how it will progress from here.

(As always, standard disclaimers apply, use at your own risk, etc.)

open System  // For query ReadKey only.

/// <summary>Query helper.</summary>
let rec internal GetQuery q =
printf "%s (y/n) " q
let key = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar
printfn ""
match key with
| 'y' | 'Y' -> Some()
| 'n' | 'N' -> None
| _ -> GetQuery q

let black = lazy ( GetQuery ("Is it a black?") )
let orange = lazy ( GetQuery ("Is it a orange?") )
let white = lazy ( GetQuery ("Is it a white?") )

let (|Black|_|) _ = black.Value
let (|Orange|_|) _ = orange.Value
let (|White|_|) _ = white.Value

let x a =
match a with
| Black & Orange -> a+" is a tiger."
| Black & White -> a+" is a zebra."
| _ -> a+" is a sasquatch."

let y a =
match a with
| Black & Orange -> a+" is a tiger."
| Black & White -> a+" is a zebra."
| _ -> a+" is a sasquatch."

printfn "%s" (x "Rover")
printfn "%s" (y "Rover")

Console.ReadLine() |> ignore

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