Here is the latest; a step towards deep search.
I decided to implement the search using an auxiliary class. This allows the network itself to remain more pure, with details such as the transitivity of links being a function of the search rather than the structure. (The epistemological implications of this are intriguing.)
I did augment the network with a dictionary which stores a table of the last item in a relationship keyed by the first item and the link. This is for efficiency only; it could also have been accomplished using the existing Find function.
Lastly, my first attempt at a search function is rather grim, messy, and imperative. It works, but I’m not proud of it. I tried to construct a version based on continuations, but it defeated my resolve to get something that at least worked posted to the blog today. Watch for a cleaner, more functional version in the next blog post or two. Until then, consider it an example of an anti-pattern, lol.
As always, no warranties or implied fitness. Use at your own risk. I rushed to post this, so there may be bugs.
module SemanticNet
open System.Collections.Generic
// I'm a fool for syntactic sugar.
type internal Rel = string*string*string
type internal RelHash = HashSet<Rel>
type internal RelDict = Dictionary<string,RelHash>
type internal FinderVal = bool*(RelHash option)
type internal RelChain = Dictionary<(string*string),HashSet<string>>
// Computation expression builder for finds.
type internal RelFinder () =
// "let!" function.
member this.Bind (((b,h):FinderVal),
(f:FinderVal->FinderVal)) =
match b with
| true -> f (b,h)
| _ -> (b,h)
// "return" function.
member this.Return bh = bh
// Holds the relationships.
type Graph () =
// Holds all the relationships.
let relHash = new RelHash()
// Holds all the relationships as chains.
// Supports deep search.
let relChain = new RelChain()
// Maps a node in each position
// to the relationships for that node.
let n0ToRelHash = new RelDict()
let n1ToRelHash = new RelDict()
let n2ToRelHash = new RelDict()
// Computation expression builder for finds.
let relFinder = RelFinder()
// Internal function for finds.
let relFinderComp (d:RelDict)
(so:string option)
(bhi:FinderVal) =
match so with
| None -> bhi
| Some(s) ->
match d.TryGetValue s with
| (true,h) ->
match bhi with
// Copy the first hash found.
| (true,None) -> (true,Some(RelHash(h)))
| (true,Some(hi)) ->
| _ -> failwith "Internal program error."
| _ -> (false,None)
// // For a slightly more efficient first call,
// // this can be used.
// let relFinderCompFst (d:RelDict)
// (so:string option) =
// match so with
// | None -> (true,None)
// | Some(s) ->
// match d.TryGetValue s with
// | (true,h) -> (true,Some(RelHash(h)))
// | _ -> (false,None)
// Add a relationship to a dictionary.
let tryAddRel (d:RelDict) k r =
match d.TryGetValue k with
| (true,h) ->
h.Add r |> ignore
| _ ->
let h = new RelHash()
h.Add r |> ignore
// Add a relationship to the chain dictionary.
let tryAddRelChain (s0,s1,s2) =
(match relChain.TryGetValue((s0,s1)) with
| (true,h) -> h
| _ ->
let h = HashSet<string>()
h).Add s2 |> ignore
// Remove a relationship from a dictionary.
let tryRemoveRel (d:RelDict) k r =
match d.TryGetValue k with
| (true,h) ->
let rmv = h.Remove r
// Clean up empty entries.
if (h.Count=0) then d.Remove k |> ignore
| _ -> ()
// Add a relationship to the chain dictionary.
let tryRemoveRelChain (s0,s1,s2) =
match relChain.TryGetValue((s0,s1)) with
| (true,h) ->
let rmv = h.Remove s2
// Clean up empty entries.
if (h.Count=0) then relChain.Remove((s0,s1)) |> ignore
| _ -> ()
// Add a relationship.
member this.Add r =
match relHash.Add r with
| false -> ()
| _ ->
let (s0,s1,s2) = r
tryAddRelChain (s0,s1,s2) |> ignore
tryAddRel n0ToRelHash s0 r
tryAddRel n1ToRelHash s1 r
tryAddRel n2ToRelHash s1 r
// Add a bunch of relationships.
member this.Add (e:IEnumerable<Rel>) =
for r in e do
this.Add r
// Return a hash of all relationships.
member this.All =
// Return true if a relationship exists.
member this.Exists r =
relHash.Contains r
// Return a hash option of the matched relationships.
// Note: Uses string option; None acts as a wildcard in Find.
member this.Find (s0,s1,s2) =
(relFinder {
// // See note above.
// let! r0 = relFinderCompFst n0ToRelHash s0
let! r0 = relFinderComp n0ToRelHash s0 (true,None)
let! r1 = relFinderComp n1ToRelHash s1 r0
return relFinderComp n2ToRelHash s2 r1 }) with
// Three wildcards.
| (true,None) -> Some(RelHash(relHash))
// Something found.
| (true,h) -> h
// Nothing found.
| _ -> None
// Return a hash option of the matched conclusions.
// More efficient than Find(s0,s1,s2) with wildcard.
member this.Find (s0,s1) =
// Return a hash option of the matched relationships.
// Note: Uses strings; explicit wildcard.
member this.FindW w (s0,s1,s2) =
this.Find (
(if s0=w then None else Some(s0)),
(if s1=w then None else Some(s1)),
(if s2=w then None else Some(s2)))
// Remove a relationship.
member this.Remove r =
match relHash.Remove r with
| true ->
let (s0,s1,s2) = r
tryRemoveRelChain (s0,s1,s2)
tryRemoveRel n0ToRelHash s0 r
tryRemoveRel n1ToRelHash s1 r
tryRemoveRel n2ToRelHash s2 r
| _ -> ()
// Remove a bunch of relationships.
member this.Remove (e:IEnumerable<Rel>) =
for r in e do
this.Remove r
// + operator adds a relationship, returns graph.
static member (+) ((g:Graph),(r:Rel)) =
g.Add r
// - operator removes a relationship, returns graph.
static member (-) ((g:Graph),(r:Rel)) =
g.Remove r
// Abstract interface for a searcher.
type SearcherBase () =
//abstract member Search: Graph -> Rel -> bool
abstract member Search: Graph -> Rel -> Rel list
// A simple searcher.
type SimpleSearcher () =
inherit SearcherBase()
// Used to prevent cycling.
let tested = new HashSet<string>()
// Indicates transitive links.
let transitive =
let transHash = new HashSet<string>()
transHash.Add "isA" |> ignore
transHash.Add "hasA" |> ignore
(fun s -> transHash.Contains(s))
// Search internal.
let rec searchDeep (gs:Graph) ((s0,s1,s2):Rel) =
match tested.Add(s0) with
| false -> None
| true ->
match gs.Exists (s0,s1,s2) with
| true -> Some([(s0,s1,s2)])
| _ ->
match gs.Find(s0,s1) with
| (false,_) -> None
| (_,h) ->
let mutable e = h.GetEnumerator()
let mutable l = true
let mutable rtn = None
while l && (e.MoveNext()) do
match searchDeep gs (e.Current,s1,s2) with
| None -> ()
| Some(l1) ->
l <- false
rtn <- Some((s0,s1,e.Current)::l1)
// Search interface.
override this.Search (gs:Graph) (r:Rel) =
let (_,s1,_) = r
match transitive s1 with
| true ->
match searchDeep gs r with
| None -> []
| Some(l) -> l
| _ ->
match gs.Exists r with
| true -> [r]
| _ -> []
open SemanticNet
// Create a graph and
// add some relationships.
let g =
Graph() +
("mammal","isA", "animal") +
("insect","isA", "animal") +
("dog", "isA", "mammal") +
("flea", "isA", "insect") +
("dog", "isA", "pet") +
("dog", "hasA", "tag") +
("chow", "isA", "dog") +
("dog", "scratches", "flea") +
("flea", "scratches", "itch") +
("cat", "isA", "pet")
let simpleSearch = (SimpleSearcher()).Search g
// Search.
let l0 = simpleSearch ("chow","isA", "dog")
let l1 = simpleSearch ("chow","isA", "animal")
let l2 = simpleSearch ("chow","isA", "sasquatch")
let l3 = simpleSearch ("dog", "scratches","itch")
let l4 = simpleSearch ("flea", "isA", "animal")
let l5 = simpleSearch ("flea", "isA", "mammal")
printfn "All done!"