Friday, February 26, 2010

Bit of a gap, what with holidays, learning some XNA, learning some F#, etc.

As a restart, I present for your amusement a tiny expert system written in F# using lazy evaluation. The entire thing is written declaratively, with the exception of a bit of syntactic sugar in the IO (GetResponse and PrintResult). It mirrors the kind of simple expert system examples typically found in entry-level Prolog books, etc.

open System

let GetResponse q =
printf q
printf " "
let rtn = (Console.ReadKey().KeyChar='y')
printfn ""

let PrintResult s =
printfn s

let black = lazy (
GetResponse "Does the animal have black color?")

let fins = lazy (
GetResponse "Does the animal have fins?")

let orange = lazy (
GetResponse "Does the animal have orange color?")

let spots = lazy (
GetResponse "Does the animal have spots?")

let stripes = lazy (
GetResponse "Does the animal have stripes?")

let white = lazy (
GetResponse "Does the animal have white color?")

let blackAndOrange = lazy (
black.Value &&
orange.Value &&
PrintResult("(Asserting: black and orange.)"))

let blackAndWhite = lazy (
black.Value &&
white.Value &&
PrintResult("(Asserting: black and white.)"))

let isAFish = lazy (
fins.Value &&
PrintResult("(Asserting: is a fish.)"))

let dalmation = lazy (
spots.Value &&
blackAndWhite.Value &&
PrintResult("The animal is a dalmation."))

let leopard = lazy (
spots.Value &&
blackAndOrange.Value &&
PrintResult("The animal is a leopard."))

let tiger = lazy (
stripes.Value &&
blackAndOrange.Value &&
PrintResult("The animal is a tiger."))

let zebra = lazy (
stripes.Value &&
blackAndWhite.Value &&
not isAFish.Value &&
PrintResult("The animal is a zebra."))

let zebraFish = lazy (
stripes.Value &&
blackAndWhite.Value &&
isAFish.Value &&
PrintResult("The animal is a zebra fish."))

let animal =
dalmation.Value ||
leopard.Value ||
tiger.Value ||
zebra.Value ||
zebraFish.Value ||
PrintResult("Must be a sasquatch!")

Console.ReadLine() |> ignore

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